Issue 3
August 2024
and Online First

The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Publishing: Preliminary Remarks and Perspectives
Summary: 1. Introduction. – 2. Potential applications of AI in various processes of academic publishing, especially knowledge exchange. – 2.1. Аuthor and manuscript registration (validation) in the journal system. – 2.2 Initial analysis of the manuscript. – 2.3. Is there no plagiarism in the work? – 2.4. Selection of reviewers. – 2.5. Manuscript review. – 2.6. Communication with the author regarding received reviews. – 2.7. Decision on publication. – 2.8. Proofreading and publication of work and its registration in database systems. – 3. Conclusions.
- Ganna Kharlamova and Andriy Stavytskyy