ISSN 2663-0583 (Online)
ISSN 2663-0575 (Print)

Instructions for Authors


Instructions for Authors

For Authors

Article types

We are open to submission of Research Articles, Notes and Comments (Case Notes and Reform Forum's Note); Opinion Articles; Review Articles; Book Reviews. 

Research Article

Length: Typically ranging from 6,000 to 9,000 words. 

Structure: Research articles generally follow a structured format, including an abstract, introduction, methodology (which may focus on legal research methods), results and discussion with analysis of legal issues, discussion of relevant case law or statutes, and a conclusion. 

The methodology section should outline the legal research approach and any empirical or doctrinal methods employed.

Sources: Research articles should include a comprehensive list of relevant legal sources, such as primary legal materials (statutes, case law), secondary legal materials (legal commentary, scholarly articles), and other reputable legal sources. Proper citation and referencing should follow the preferred legal citation style of OSCOLA.

Notes and Comments

Length: Typically around 4,000 to 5,000 words.

 Structure: Notes and comments provide concise contributions on specific legal issues, cases (Case Notes or Comments), or developments (Reform's Forum). 

They typically begin with a brief introduction, present key legal observations or arguments, analyze the legal implications, and provide concise conclusions or recommendations. 

Sources: While notes and comments are shorter in length, they should still draw upon relevant legal sources, including statutes, case law, legal commentary, and scholarly articles. Citations should be provided to support the legal analysis and refer to the original legal sources.

Opinion Article

Length: Typically around 5,000 to 6,000 words. 

Structure: Opinion articles present the author's perspective or viewpoint on legal topics, debates, or policy issues. They often begin with an engaging introduction, articulate the opinion or argument clearly, provide legal analysis and reasoning, and conclude with a summary statement or recommendation of the author.

Sources: Opinion articles may rely on legal precedent, legal principles, legal theory, and relevant legal literature to support the author's opinion. While personal insights and experiences can be valuable, it is important to substantiate the arguments with legal sources and references.

Review Article

Length: Typically around 5,000 to 6,000 words. 

Structure: Review articles provide a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of existing legal research and literature on a specific legal topic. 

They often begin with an introduction to the topic, discuss key legal issues or debates, summarize and critique relevant legal scholarship and case law, and provide insights for further legal research or policy development. 

Sources: Review articles should draw upon a wide range of relevant legal sources, including primary legal materials (statutes, case law), secondary legal materials (legal commentary, scholarly articles), and other authoritative legal sources. Thorough citation and referencing in compliance with the preferred legal citation style OSCOLA is essential.

Submission requirements


The title of the article, which should accurately reflect the content and focus of the research. 


A concise summary of the article, highlighting the research question, methodology, main findings, and conclusions. The abstract allows readers to quickly grasp the essence of the article. The recommended length for the abstract is typically between 2000 and 2300 characters (approximately 300 to 350 words). 


Relevant keywords or phrases that represent the main topics or themes covered in the article. These keywords aid in search engine optimization and help readers find the article through search queries.

Manuscript Format
The requirements to the text:

  • the English language;
  • the size and the structure;
  • the footnotes and references arrangement.

An author should submit a manuscript in English and follow the main recommendation of usage the terms. Accuracy of a manuscript is crucially important for a successful publication. If an author is not a native English writer, then the editor may request to clarify terminology or part of a manuscript unclear for understanding.

The manuscript should consist of the following:

  • title and name of the author, his/her position and affiliation, state;
  • summary, abstract (300-350 words) and keywords (6-7);
  • main body, including such parts as the research methodology, the complete arguments and author`s conclusions;
  • references, according to the requirements.

By default, all the translations in an article made by the author who is responsible for its content. If the content of the article was translated with the participation of third parties, the authors are responsible for that.

We recommend that the authors use abbreviations only after referring to the complete title (hereinafter ...). This law provides for the establishment of a new body – Vyscha Rada Pravosuddia (High Council of Justice, hereinafter HCJ), instead of the Supreme Council of Justice (Vyscha Rada Yustytsyi)

We recommend to use dates in continental style: 27 May 2018.

Abstract is a crucial part of the article, therefore, it should briefly explain why you conducted the study (BACKGROUND), what question(s) you aimed to answer (OBJECTIVES), how you performed the study (METHODS), what you found (RESULTS: major data, relationships), and your interpretation and main consequences of your findings (CONCLUSIONS) (Ufnalska, 2020, EASE Guidelines).

Additional required files


The title, authors’ name(s), abstract and keywords of each article, accepted to publishing should be available in Ukrainian language. In case, Ukrainian language is not native language of the authors, the editorial office will help with the translation and editing of these parts into Ukrainian.

Reference Guide

OSCOLA is a footnote style: all citations appear in footnotes. OSCOLA does not use endnotes or in-text citations, such as ‘(Brown, 2007)’.

Indicate footnotes with a superscript number which should appear after the relevant punctuation in the text (if any). Put the footnote marker at the end of a sentence, unless for the sake of clarity it is necessary to put it directly after the word or phrase to which it relates. If the word or phrase to which the footnote marker relates is in brackets, put the marker before the closing bracket. Indicate the date, when necessary, in the format ‘date month year’, e.g. 12 May 2021.


Close footnotes with a full stop (or question or exclamation mark). Where more than one citation is given in a single footnote reference, separate them with semicolons.

Punctuation format: ‘Text Text Text Text Text Text’. Text text text (information).

Incorporate quotations of up to three lines into the text, within single quotation marks.

Quotations within short quotations take double quotation marks.

Punctuation follows the closing quotation mark, unless it is an essential part of the quotation, or unless the whole sentence is a quotation. The footnote marker comes last, after both the closing quotation mark and the punctuation. Andrew Ashworth, ‘Social Control and “Anti-Social Behaviour”: The Subversion of Human Rights’ (2004) 120 LQR 263, 276.

Present quotations longer than three lines in an indented paragraph, with no further indentation of the first line. Do not use quotation marks, except for single quotation marks around quotations within quotations. Leave a line space either side of the indented quotation.

The Chief Justice explained that this power ‘is not limited to defence against aggression from a foreign nation’.31

Particular importance for the theory and practice of civil procedure has para. 1 of Art. 6 of the ECHR, which states: in the determination of his civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charge against him, everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law. Judgment shall be pronounced publicly but the press and public may be excluded from all or part of the trial in the interests of morals, public order or national security in a democratic society, where the interests of juveniles or the protection of the private life of the parties so require, or to the extent strictly necessary in the opinion of the court in special circumstances where publicity would prejudice the interests of justice.

Subsequent citation

In a subsequent citation of a source, briefly identify the source and provide a cross-citation in brackets to the footnote in which the full citation can be found. If the subsequent citation is in the footnote immediately following the full citation, you can generally use ‘ibid’ instead. Burmych v Ukraine (n 9) para 128. ibid, para 155.


A list of preferred shortenings in the text of an article includes: Article - Art. Paragraph - para. Number - No. European Court of Human Rights - ECtHR European Convention on Human Rights - ECHR Civil Procedural Code of Ukraine - CPC Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine - CrPC Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine - CAP Doctor of Philosophy of Law - Ph.D. (Law) Doctor of Science of Law - Dr.Sc. (Law) Associated Professor - Assoc. Prof.


Ukrainian Legislation

Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine [1990] Vidomosti of the Verkhovna Rada 31/429 Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR ‘On the Proclamation of Independence of Ukraine’ [1991] Vidomosti of the Verkhovna Rada 38/502 Decree of the President of Ukraine No 615/98 of 11 June 1998 ‘On Approval of the Strategy of Ukraine’s Integration into the European Union’ [1998] Official Gazette of Ukraine 24/870 Law of Ukraine ‘On Arbitration Courts’ [2004] Vidomosti of the Verkhovna Rada 35/412 accessed 21 August 2020.

If the link to the official government portal is given

On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Aimed at Providing Additional Social and Economic Guarantees in Connection with the Spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)’ (2020) accessed 22 July 2020. Code Civil Procedural Code of Ukraine (as amended of 03 October 2017) Chapters 123- 288 accessed 18 January 2021

International Legislation

Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part [2014] OJ L161/5. Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, and Ukraine [1994] OJ L49/3 Council Regulation (EC) 1984/2003 of 8 April 2003 introducing a system for the statistical monitoring of trade in bluefin tuna, swordfish and big eyetuna within the Community [2003] OJ L295/1 Council of Europe, European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [1950] ETS 5. European Commission for Democracy through Law, ‘Opinion on Draft Law of Ukraine “Judicial System”’ CDL (2001) 46 <> accessed 23 December 2020. The Code of Criminal Procedure of Italy No 477 ‘Codici di procedura penale’ of 22 September 1988 (as amended of 25 June 2020) <> accessed 23 December 2020. European Court of Justice Case 240/83 Procureur de la République v ADBHU [1985] ECR 531 Joined Cases C–430 and 431/93 Jereon van Schijndel v Stichting Pensioenfonds voor Fysiotherapeuten [1995] ECR I–4705 European Court of Human Rights (please note: the link to HUDOC is necessary): Balasz v Hungary App no 15529/12 (ECtHR, 14 March 2016){%22itemid%22:[%22001-158033%22]} accessed 14 March 2021. National Courts Case No 279/2481/16-ц [2018] Supreme Court of Ukraine accessed 22 July 2020. Or Case No 265/6582/16-ц (Supreme Court of Ukraine, 04 September 2019). Case III KO 154/18 [2019] Polish Supreme Court.


OV Streltsova, Constitutionalization of the process of association of Ukraine with the European Union: theory and practice (Alerta 2017). A Uzelac, CH Van Rhee (eds), Transformation of Civil Justice: Unity and Diversity (Springer 2018). Contribution to edited books J Pila, ‘The Value of Authorship in the Digital Environment’ in WH Dutton and PW Jeffreys (eds), World Wide Research: Reshaping the Sciences and Humanities in the Century of Information (MIT Press 2010)


P Craig, ‘Theory, “Pure Theory” and Values in Public Law’ [2005] PL 440 A L Young, ‘In Defence of Due Deference’ (2009) 72 MLR 554 M Kuijer, ‘The Right to a Fair Trial and the Council of Europe’s Efforts to Ensure Effective Remedies on a Domestic Level for Excessively Lengthy Proceedings’ (2013) 13(14) Human Rights Law Review 777. M Magrelo, ‘An autonomous concept of "court" as the basis of the institution of a fair court’ (2013) 2 (27) Visnyk Akademii Advokatury Ukrainy 70, 77.


IV Iurevych, ‘The principles of unity of the judiciary’ (PhD (Law)thesis, Yaroslav Mudryi Ukrainian National Academy of Law 2012). J Herberg, ‘Injunctive Relief for Wrongful Termination of Employment’ (DPhil thesis, University of Oxford 1989)


‘The level of confidence of Ukrainians in banks last year fell almost three times’ (, 7 June 2018) < roku-vpav-majzhe-vtrichi> accessed 18 September 2020. ‘Review of Data on the State of Justice in 2018’ (Sudova Vlada, 2018) accessed 18 September 2020. O Zaruba, O Butenko, Ye Shpytko, R Kornyliuk, ‘Rating of banks: the state of financial institutions in the first quarter of 2018’ (, 16 May 2018) <> accessed 18 September 2020.

Each article should be followed by a list of references compiled according to the following rules

  1. Please include references only to articles, books with ISBN, thesis, reports etc. Do not include references to websites, court decisions and legislation - they should appear only in footnotes.
  2. In references, unlike footnotes, the first name of the author is given after the second name. e.g. Uzelac A, Van Rhee CH (eds), Transformation of Civil Justice: Unity and Diversity (Springer 2018).
  3. References should be organised in an alphabetical order.



Editorial and Peer Review Process

AJEE is an Open Access Journal which supports online submission and a double-blind peer review system. These are the requirements to be followed by the authors while submitting, reviewing, editing and other actions within publishing process. 

The best practice of international publishing community was used for these requirements of Elsevier and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and

We support the recommendations of the European Association of Science Editors (EASE), in particular, most useful tools you may find here

Our workflow on Scholastica


Authors submit their manuscripts to the Journal which the Editor in Chief (EIC) will screen and assign the paper to the appropriate managing editor or Section editor, based on subject area.

The assigned editor (AE) reads their assigned papers, ensures the paper is appropriately anonymized for double-blind peer review, and if not, will manage file versions to swap in the anonymized version.

When ready, the AE will invite peer reviewers to the manuscript

The reviewers will submit their reviews which the AE will then read

The AE prepares the recommendations about the paper and assigns it to the EIC when the paper is ready for a decision. The EIC will issue the decision to the author

If the decision is a Revise & Resubmit, steps 2-6 above may be repeated. The editor accepts the submission and directs it to the reviewers with the submission confirmation letter serving to the author. 


Peer reviewers are invited to participate in the peer review process by Managing Editors of AJEE, who oversee the manuscript handling and coordination. Section Editors and authors may also recommend potential peer reviewers during the submission process. However, the final decision to invite specific peer reviewers rests with the Managing Editors, taking into consideration recommendations from Section Editors and authors.

It is important to note that while authors may suggest potential peer reviewers, the ultimate decision to invite them or not is based on various factors, including the reviewer's expertise, objectivity, and absence of any competing interests. AJEE Managing Editors carefully evaluate these recommendations to ensure a fair and unbiased peer review process.

The power of peer reviewers lies in their ability to provide valuable evaluations and feedback on manuscripts. Their expertise, impartiality, and adherence to confidentiality play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and quality of the journal. Peer reviewers' contributions significantly influence the editorial decisions made by the journal's editorial team.

In AJEE, we offer a mutually beneficial program for individuals interested in serving as peer reviewers for the Journal. We strongly encourage reviewers to adhere to the rules and guidelines on peer review and academic integrity. Additionally, we support their career development by providing opportunities to become Managing Editors or members of the Editorial Board.


Authors and Co-Authors

For successful communication with the AJEE, provide us your institutional email or ORCID ID (Publons or Mendeley profiles or similar). Otherwise, we reserve the right to refrain from any communication.

The ORCID ID should consist of the public available information about author’s affiliation, main publications and other useful information. If there is no any information available in author’s ORCID ID, we refrain from communication.

All authors have significantly contributed to the particular research, submitted for publication and should confirm their responsibility for a whole manuscript or a particular section of the study.

List of authors should include all persons who contributed substantially to study planning, data collection or interpretation of results and wrote or critically revised the manuscript and approved its final version and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work (Ufnalska, 2020, EASE Guidelines). (ICMJE 2017 Ufnalska, 2020, EASE Guidelines). The authors listed first should be those who did most and (Battisti et al. 2015, see COPE flowcharts Ufnalska, 2020, EASE Guidelines).

The multi authorship is a crucial part of academic publishing. We support and highly recommend the CRediT – Contributor Roles Taxonomy representing the roles typically played by contributors to manuscripts and highly recommend it to our authors. Please, find more information here Authors should define each contribution according to the following recommendations.


Author(s) should mention all persons who contributed substantially to the study but cannot be regarded as co-authors, and acknowledge all sources of funding (Ufnalska, 2020, EASE Guidelines), for instance, using the following phrases: ‘This work was prepared within the project performing [grant number xxxx]’. If relevant, disclose to the editors any other conflicts of interest, e.g. financial or personal links with the manufacturer or with an organization that has an interest in the submitted manuscript (Goozner et al. 2009, Ufnalska, 2020, EASE Guidelines).

If you were helped by a language professional (e.g. author’s editor or translator), a statistician, data collectors, etc., you should acknowledge their assistance for the sake of transparency (ICMJE 2017, Battisti et al. 2015 Ufnalska, 2020, EASE Guidelines). It must be clear that they are not responsible for the final version of the article. You need to ensure you have the consent of all the people named in this section. (Ufnalska, 2020, EASE Guidelines)

If relevant, disclose to the editors any other conflicts of interest, e.g. financial or personal links with the manufacturer or with an organization that has an interest in the submitted manuscript (Goozner et al. 2009, Ufnalska, 2020, EASE Guidelines). If you were helped by a language professional (e.g. author’s editor or translator), a statistician, data collectors, etc., you should acknowledge their assistance for the sake of transparency (ICMJE 2017, Battisti et al. 2015 Ufnalska, 2020, EASE Guidelines). It must be clear that they are not responsible for the final version of the article. You need to ensure you have the consent of all the people named in this section. (Ufnalska, 2020, EASE Guidelines)

Publication details and APC

After a manuscript has gone through peer review and been accepted for publication we expect the payment of the article processing fees from the author.

AJEE publishes in full Open Access under a CC BY 4.0 license which permits to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.

Authors pay a one-time Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover the costs of peer review administration and management, professional production of articles in PDF and other formats, and dissemination of published papers in various venues, in addition to other publishing functions. There are no charges for rejected articles, no submission charges, and no surcharges based on the length of an article, figures or supplementary data. Some items (Editorial Notes, Corrections, Retractions, Conference Announcements etc.) are published free of charge.

AJEE waives 20% of its content every issue. We are committed to supporting the transition of all research to full open access, so offer APC waivers or discounts to some authors. We display an APC in order to demonstrate to authors that there is a cost to publication.

We propose an option of an Online First Articles so we could publish articles online as soon as they are reviewed, accepted, edited, and corrected. In some cases, authors face publishing delays, even though their work is complete. Online First Articles helps to address this problem by making articles available as soon as they are ready. In AJEE, articles that have been fully corrected and finalised will appear here, on our website, available for our readers to use and cite!

Duplicate publication

Redundant publication in the meaning of COPE, when two or more papers, without full cross reference, share the same hypothesis, data, discussion points, or conclusions, is strictly prohibited in AJEE. For avoiding redundant publication, duplicate submission for publication of a work, consisting of previously published part(s) or a whole text of work, is allowed, only if this may facilitate an academic discussion, which was made with the permission and acknowledgement of the original source. In the event, the duplicate publication is under consideration, the control of the permission for the publication lies on the Editor-in-Chief, who may request such a permission and check it, while addressing the publisher or editor of previous publication.

Submission and publication of materials, published originally in other sources, may be allowed due to the following reasons upon the well motivated decision of the Editorial and Advisory Boards of AJEE: 1) lack of an original publication in English, which is substantial in weight, important and recognized, in particular, historical essays, related to the particular research of legal issues with the original sources in Ukrainian, Old Slavic language; 2) the value and meaning of the original publication for the particular area of legal science development, for instance, with the new definition or vision, which were later implemented in national or international levels, realized in strategies, legislation or soft law after publications.

The Editorial team is free to express their decision concerning the duplicate publication in well-motivated and reasonable grounds, which, as usual, appears in the Introduction to the issue, where the publication is placed. If any allegation of improper or incorrect duplicate publication is discovered, please, do not hesitate to contact the Editor-in-Chief

Malpractice Statement

Hereby, on behalf of the Editorial team and Editorial and Advisory Boards of AJEE we confirm our strong support of publication ethics and its wide application in our publishing activities. In the event of any concerns raised, an appeal may be directed to the Editor-in-Chief. They will be properly qualified, objectively investigated and, if the concerns are proven, the results will be acknowledged, in particular, publicly available and the publication will be retracted.

We support the idea of exchanging the information about proven research misconduct, in particular, plagiarism, between editors according to COPE Guidelines ‘Sharing of Information Among Editors-in-Chief Regarding Possible Misconduct’ and will carried it out. In the event of malpractice caused by professional negligence or incompetence of the part of author(s), reviewer(s), editor(s), claims can be brought before the Editor- in-Chief.

Among the grounds for allegations of malpractice may be the following:

  • failing to exercise the skills and abilities that a similar situated professional in the same circumstances without reasonable cause;
  • failing to meet professional standards, rules and practices, widely used in publishing, in particular, mentioned in COPE guidelines and/or Elsevier recommendations;
  • failing to render services or keep an appropriated communication that a professional would apply under similar circumstances (in particular, within an investigation process). In the event of failing the publication ethics or malpractice, we recommend checking through the case practice of COPE, which may be found here

Research Misconduct. Plagiarism Prevention

Publication of the original and high-quality materials of authors for the world- wide scholar community is an important part of our work.

By research misconduct we assess the plagiarism, fabrication and falsification, as well as fraudulent research in all forms. We put our efforts to discover the above mentioned at all stages of the publishing process, and welcome in post publication. In the event that any research misconduct happens and is discovered within a proper investigation, it will lead to the retraction of the article with the necessary acknowledgement.

For the plagiarism prevention a fair and recognized definition what plagiarism means exists. We use both of the following documents for defining plagiarism with regard to the international publishing standards. Here you may find the ‘Legal guide for editors concerning ethics issues’ with particular recommendations about plagiarism detection, which we carried out work

AJEE Publication Ethics

AJEE is proud of the high-quality content selected and published by us. We support the principles of academic publishing, in particular, honesty of authorship, excellence and thoroughness in research, transparency in publishing, respect to all participants of the publishing process. This requirement reflects these above mentioned principles and is strictly recommended for applying for publication.

All the necessary agreements of its confirmation are signed by authors and reviewers. If anyone has proper grounds for doubts or any concerns, that these rules have been carried out, please, let us know via e-mail While investigation in a particular case will be provided, the Committee in Publishing Ethics (COPE) guidelines will be widely used.

The best practices of international publishing community were used for PEMS AJEE: The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) best-practice-scholarly-publishing and Publishing Ethics Resource Kit for editors by Elsevier

All the necessary materials consisting of the requirements for publication in the Journal, in particular, the AJEE Authors Guide, the AJEE Reviewers Guide and AJEE Ethical and Legal Conditions, were sufficiently revised and updated according to this PEMS and are currently available on the web-site of the Journal see Attachments, please. 

The Editorial Team and editors of AJEE are committed to their independence from any conflicts of interest, corporate, personal or any other influence, which may lead to a violation of the principles, specified here, or any widely used principles of publishing in the scholarly community.

The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the selection of materials for publication on the grounds of two external reviewers’ assessments. 

All the Editorial Board and Advisory Board members share these principles and widely use practices of best publishing.

We try to ensure that any of our publication is free from influence, in particular, due to corporate or commercial benefits, as well as free from any form of conflicts of interest. Author(s) while submitting a manuscript should declare any potential conflicts of interest with any member of the editorial team, other staff of the Editorial Board or publisher, who could interfere with the objectivity of its assessment. By conflicts of interest we mean an influence on the submission, editing, reviewing and/or publication of a manuscript, the lack of which could lead to the refusal of the publication. By competing interest, we mean anything that could reasonably influence the full, objective and free opinion of the author, reviewer or editor, including the Editor-in-Chief concerning the publication of the particular article.

In the event of any allegations of an undisclosed conflict of interest, please, contact the Editor-in-Chief for investigation and decision-making of a publication retraction.

We support the freedom of expression as an integral part of academic research, unless any research misconduct is discovered. Also, we do not support any harmful or subjective statements, racist or any other form of discriminating points of view and any announcements, which may be considered as a human rights' violation. All the appeals concerning the violation of the decision-making process should be directed to Editor-in-Chief

Responsible Use of AI Tools in Publishing with AJEE

We do not object to authors utilizing AI tools in their research and writing process due to their potential benefits in terms of productivity and quality. However, it is crucial to maintain transparency and accountability in scholarly publishing. Therefore, we require authors to include a clear statement in their submissions that specifies the AI tools used, along with details on how and when they were employed, with certain restrictions.

Authors should refrain from using AI tools for decision-making or drawing conclusions. The responsibility for critical analysis and interpretation rests solely with the authors.

To uphold ethical standards, authors must comply with this declaration and promptly inform the editor if AI tools were used in the manuscript. In cases of co-authorship, the corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors adhere to this declaration.

If AI usage is discovered without proper notification, the article may be subject to retraction. In such cases, we are unable to reimburse any publication fees and retain the right to claim compensation for any damages incurred.

Authors affirm that the research and content presented in the manuscript are solely their own work.

By following these guidelines, authors can ensure the responsible and ethical use of AI tools in their submissions, maintaining the integrity of their research and fostering trust within the scholarly community.