Volume 6 of 2023 contains the Issue 1/2023, Issue 2/2023, Issue 3/2023 ,Issue 4/2023
The Special Issue of 2023 related to the Second GPDRL College of Law International Conference on Legal, Socio-economic Issues and Sustainability (March 19, 2023)

Issue 1/2023
This issue features articles and notes by various authors on current legal topics.
I am proud to present articles from a diverse group of authors from Romania, Albania, Lithuania, Slovakia, Austria, and Kazakhstan. I deeply thank them for sharing their valuable research results with our readership. The values of the rule of law and human rights are shared by all civilized nations, and our unity in supporting them is as strong as our diversity. It is clear that no one in the world is immune to violations of rights, and it is our duty to stand strong and prevent further injustices whenever possible.
In AJEE, we stand with those who fight for their rights and freedoms. We firmly believe that speaking out against violations is crucial and that silence only enables further injustices. This is especially relevant in the field of research and scholarly publishing, where we rely on facts and arguments. That’s why we show our solidarity with all who courageously stand up for equality and justice. We believe that everyone, regardless of gender or nationality, deserves to live in a world where their rights are respected and protected. Join us in standing up for what’s right and making a difference in the world!
Please read more in Issue 1/2023.

Special Issue: International Conference on Legal, Socio-economic Issues and Sustainability
We are happy to announce the special issue which will be prepared within our cooperation with the College of Law at Prince Sultan University in the frames of the Second GPDRL College of Law International Conference on Legal, Socio-economic Issues and Sustainability (March 19, 2023)!
The College of Law at Prince Sultan University is a leader in legal education and research in Saudi Arabia, aims to provide an outstanding legal education and training that promotes the rule of law and serves the societies of the region.
The Conference covers the topical issues on legal and socio-economic sciences and sustainability (https://psu.edu.sa/en/CL/events/event-320 ). The conference will take place both online and in-person, allowing attendees the flexibility to participate either remotely or on-site (hybrid conference format).
AJEE is honoured and proud to publish the conference papers of the participants of the Conference, related to the issues of law, in a special issue.
We are happy to introduce our Guest Editors, Dr. Mohammed Albakjaji from PSU and Dr. Maya Khater from Al Yamamah University, who will take care of the papers' evaluation.
The procedure of publishing decision making is described in detail in the Journal guides and rules (see more here).