Issue 1/2020
C.H. (Remco) van Rhee
Towards Harmonised European Rules of Civil Procedure: Obligations of the Judge, the Parties and their Lawyers
Tatjana Zoroska Kamilovska
Privatization of Civil Justice: Is it Undermining or Promoting the Rule of Law?
Agnieszka Gołąb
Recent Developments in Polish Civil Procedure in the Field of Public Hearing
Vladyslava Turkanova
Open Enforcement: New Approach of Ukraine in Access to Justice
emco) van Rhee
Towards Harmonised European Rules of Civil Procedure: Obligations of the Judge, the Parties and their Lawyers
Tatjana Zoroska Kamilovska
Privatization of Civil Justice: Is it Undermining or Promoting the Rule of Law?
Agnieszka Gołąb
Recent Developments in Polish Civil Procedure in the Field of Public Hearing
Vladyslava Turkanova
Open Enforcement: New Approach of Ukraine in Access to Justice

Issue 2-3/2020
Editor-in-Chief’s Note
About Special Double Issue 2-3/2020
‘Justice under the COVID-19 Pandemic’
Prylutskyi Serhii, Strieltsova Olga
The Ukrainian Judiciary under 21st-Century Challenges
Rozhnov Oleh
Towards Timely Justice in Civil Matters Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
Kaplina Oksana, Sharenko Svitlana
Access to Justice in Ukrainian Criminal Proceedings during COVID-19 Outbreak
Kondratova Iryna, Korotenko Tetiana
Towards Modern Challenges in Financing in the Judiciary Financing: Between Independence and Autonomy
Silvestri Elisabetta
Italy and COVID-19: Notes on the Impact of the Pandemic on the Administration of Justice
Vėbraitė Vigita
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Court Proceedings in Lithuania
Popotas Costas
COVID-19 and the Courts. The case of the CJEU
Szolc-Nartowski Bartosz
Coronavirus and the Justice System in Poland

Issue 4/2020
Editor-in-Chief’s Note
About Issue 4/2020
Van Rhee C.H., Maan E.A.
Civil Procedure Reform: The Way Forward
Uhrynovska Oksana
Novelization of Civil Procedural Legislation of Ukraine in Cassation Review: Panacea or Illusion?
Ovcharenko Olena, Podorozhna Tetiana
Judge Lustration in Ukraine: National Insights and European Implications
Kaplina Oksana, Fomin Serhiy
Proportionality of Interference with the Right to Peaceful Enjoyment of Property
During the Seizure of Property in Criminal Proceedings in Ukraine
Ervo Laura
Debtors Protection and Enforcement Efficiency
According to Finnish Law
Kuybida Roman
Constitutional Court Strikes the Anti-Corruption System in Ukraine
Voitovych Pavlo, Ennan Ruslan, Voloshyna Vladlena
Criminal Liability for the Infringement of IP Rights:
Ukraine and the European Court of Human Rights Case Law
Basysta Iryna, Shepitko Iryna and Shutova Olga
Protection and Risks of Illegal Divulgation of Banking Secrecy
in Ukrainian Criminal Proceeding