Gateways provide portals for regular publications from scholarly societies, institutions and science communities, as well as for particular individuals who are studying the relevant issues. Published materials within specific gateways materials are collected together due to related research outputs, enabling thematic research, conference outputs and community projects.
We announce the first three AJEE Gateways:
Access to Justice Amid War, responsible editors Dr. Oksana Uhrynovska and Prof. Yurii Prytyka;
Sustainable Justice and Dispute Resolution, responsible editor Prof Iryna Izarova; and
Found in Translation, responsible editor Dr. Yuliia Baklazhenko.
Now we are announcing a call for materials related to our new gateway Access to Justice Amid War, responsible editors Dr. Oksana Uhrynovska and Prof Yurii Prytyka.
We are seeking for the current notes, generalisation of case law, results of interview and overview of law reform in the period of war in Ukraine.
We greatly welcome contributions related to justice development from ex-war territories.