Announcement of AJEE Special Issue: Economic and Law
Law plays a crucial role in shaping and regulating economic activities, creating a stable and predictable environment for businesses and entrepreneurs to operate in, and protecting the rights of consumers, investors and other stakeholders. Furthermore, the rule of law, fair and transparent regulations and protection of property rights are key factors for attracting foreign investment and promoting economic growth. Additionally, laws can also help address market failures, promote competition and prevent monopolies, leading to a more efficient allocation of resources and ultimately contributing to the sustainable wellbeing of individuals and communities. By covering interrelated issues of economic and law, your journal aims to provide a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of how legal frameworks and policies can impact economic performance and shape the society.
Access to justice is a fundamental aspect of a just society and an important contributor to economic growth and development. When individuals and businesses have access to effective legal remedies, they are able to enforce their rights, resolve disputes and protect their interests, fostering a sense of security and confidence in the market. On the other hand, a lack of access to justice can lead to widespread injustice, deter foreign investment and discourage entrepreneurship.
Moreover, access to justice also plays a role in reducing poverty and promoting social and economic inclusion, as it provides marginalized and disadvantaged groups with the means to seek protection of their rights and access to essential services.
Therefore, considering the link between economic growth, rule of law and access to justice, it is crucial for policy makers to ensure that legal systems are fair, affordable and accessible to all, in order to promote a stable and inclusive economy that benefits everyone.
With this in mind, we are proud to announce a Special Issue aimed at collecting articles related to the intersection of legal and economic issues. This Special Issue will be led together by Prof. Ganna Kharlamova from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, Prof. Alfredo Moscardini, Northumbria University, UK, and Dr Eduard Stoica, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Romania, will be strengthened by the addition of prominent economic scholars.
We invite both theoretical and empirical contributions, as well as interdisciplinary work drawing on insights from economics and law. Additionally, we welcome papers that engage with current debates and policy issues in the field.