ISSN 2663-0583 (Online)
ISSN 2663-0575 (Print)

Advertising Policy


Advertising Policy


AJEE  maintains a transparent and selective advertising policy aimed at providing relevant and valuable information to our readers while upholding the integrity and quality standards of our publication.


Decision-Making Process:

The acceptance of advertisements in AJEE is subject to the discretion of the Chief Editor and Editorial Board. Each advertisement request is carefully reviewed to ensure alignment with the journal's values, objectives, and target audience.

Criteria for Acceptance:

Advertisements from our partners and affiliates may be considered for publication based on their relevance, credibility, and suitability for our readership. Priority is given to advertisements that offer genuine value, such as relevant academic conferences, research tools, and scholarly publications.

Prepaid Advertisements:

AJEE does not accept prepaid advertisements. All advertisements are evaluated based on their relevance and suitability for our scholarly audience, rather than on financial considerations. This ensures that advertisements are selected solely on their merit and value to our readership.

Content Guidelines:

Advertisements must comply with ethical standards and legal regulations, including those related to accuracy, fairness, and non-deception. Misleading or deceptive advertisements will not be accepted.

Advertisements must not compromise the editorial independence or integrity of AJEE. The content of advertisements should not influence editorial decisions or compromise the objectivity of published research.

Disclosure of Partnerships:

AJEE is committed to transparency regarding partnerships and affiliations. Any advertisements from our partners will be clearly labeled as such to ensure readers are aware of the relationship between the advertiser and the journal.

Placement and Frequency:

Advertisements may be placed strategically within the journal, such as in designated advertising sections or alongside relevant content. The frequency of advertisements will be determined based on available space and the overall balance of content in each issue.

Review and Feedback Mechanism:

Feedback from readers regarding advertisements is welcomed and considered in the ongoing evaluation of our advertising policy. Any concerns or complaints regarding specific advertisements will be addressed promptly and transparently.

Continual Evaluation and Improvement:

The advertising policy of AJEE is subject to continual evaluation and improvement to ensure it remains aligned with the evolving needs and expectations of our readership. Feedback from stakeholders, including readers, authors, and advertisers, is integral to this process.

AJEE is committed to maintaining a balanced and informative advertising environment that enhances the reader experience while upholding the integrity of our publication.